Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sometimes we just need to trust. Trust God that He knows what He is doing. Trust that His ways are greater and higher than ours. Trust that His ways are better. Trust that He loves us. Trust that He will take care of us. Trust that if we follow after Him and His ways that He will make everything beautiful in His time. Trust that as we do His will He will never steer us wrong. Sometimes in life it is hard to lay ourselves and our thoughts aside to focus on God and His will for us. Sometimes it is hard to turn all trust over to Him when we just want to grab a hold of it and take the reins and try OUR hardest to do it OUR way. We are humans and we are far from perfect, and perfection is definitely something that we will never obtain..... Only God is perfect, and only He can line up everything and turn things around and make it good. Even when bad things happen only God can make good come out of it. I remember many times when we have tried to do things on our own and tried and tried, and failed.... And I remember when we turned it over to God and stopped worrying and let God turn it into something good, and it all worked out better than I could have ever planned.... We serve a good God, one who is alive, and loves us. A God who wants to see good things happen and not bad. A God who wants to turn your bad situations into a good outcome! Sometimes we just need to stop worrying and just trust in the God who loves us and knows what is best for His children!

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