Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Proverbs 13:12

"12 Hope that is delayed makes you sad, but a wish that comes true fills you with joy."

Hope.... it is something that we need in life. I think that  hope and faith have a lot in common. I think that they mesh well together. I think that Faith is taking hope to the next level: the level of believe that the hope will come true! Sometimes we hope and wish that things will come to us. We hope to make it in life. We hope that we can give our kids a good future. We hope that we can make it through the day at times. We hope we are good enough.... We hope and hope, and sometimes it seems like those hopes are floating away. Like they are never with in grasp! That can make us sad or disappointed....It can leave our hearts sick and hurting.... We feel like a failure and like we are letting people down. In the opposite way, when a hope or wish comes true, and we succeed at a hope of ours, it fills us with such a joy. It fills us with such an even greater hope! It lifts our spirits and we feel we can do the next thing that we hope for!
At times I feel like I have been in the first half of this verse. At times it is just one hope after another dashed on the rocks... It makes you sad and it make you feel like you wont ever get to that next level. You are heart sick and you are disappointed with yourself or your circumstances. You feel like life will never turn around and at times you can SINK! I know that God wants dreams and hopes in our lives to come to us! Maybe I don't feel I deserve  it... Maybe I am to busy looking at other circumstances to see some other things happening in my life? Who knows, but I know that God wants to fulfill our dreams. Maybe we need to start searching our hopes and see if they line up with God's word? are they hopes that are created by the world, and what others around you have or are doing? or are your hopes from God? I know that I want my hopes and dreams to line up with God and what He wants from me and my life! I know that God's way is always the best way. Its time  to give up control and let God lead 100%!! I want true joy to fill my life and that will come when dreams and wishes and hopes come true that are from God!

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