Monday, January 23, 2012

1 Peter 2

I think I am going to start going through 1 Peter 2. There is a lot of good stuff in there and I dont want to make one blog too long, like a few of my others have been VERY long :)  I will start with the first 3 verses.

1 So get rid of every kind of evil. Stop telling lies. Don't pretend to be something you are not. Stop wanting what others have. Don't speak against each other.
 2 Like babies that were just born, you should long for the pure milk of God's word. It will help you grow up as believers. 3 You can do it now that you have tasted how good the Lord is.

The first verse is starting off saying get rid of every kind of evil in your life. Don't tell lies... Don't pretend to be something else that you are not, don't want what others have and don't speak badly against each other. These things mentioned can be pretty hard to do. This is not an inclusive list of "evil" things we can do... So... why are these ones only here? Well could be because the people he was writing to needed to hear this because these were the things they were struggling with... I think that the things that are listed are everyday struggles too. Everyday we struggle with lying! I think that is one of the BIGGEST ones we do struggle with and we don't normally think about it we just kinda lie.... sometimes its only a "white lie" or little lie... but a lie is a lie and truth is the truth. We have to try and be real with people and truthful with people and ourselves. People don't want to see fake people, they want to see real people. One way we can be real is by telling the truth. Another thing listed is "don't pretend to be something you are not". I think many do this because they are afraid that people are not going to like the "real you" so you pretend to be "better" than yourself, but to tell you the truth, no one can be better at being you than YOU! You need to see what God sees and love the you the He made you to be! There is a reason He made you YOU and not someone else! Be yourself and love yourself because you are a special creation that God made and He made you with purpose! You have special talents that God wants to use! You are special and loved by God!!! Stop wanting what others have! Remember the 10 commandments? this is on there! This is called coveting! You can covet a lot of things that are someone else's. From just stuff to other things! But God wants to bless you with and in your own life! The neighbor might have that great car, but they might not have the best family life.... the grass might LOOK greener on the other side, but normally its not.... Be thankful for what you have, work hard for what you want to get, and be good stewards of time and money! Another hard one that people struggle with on a day to day basis is talking about others. Its called GOSSIP! I know that many woman (but not limited to woman!!!) struggle with this. I know that I do too. Its easy to fall into this. You go to salon and people are talking about someone else and you know something that no one else does, and its easy to want to blab it out to everyone. Taming the tongue is hard to do! But we need to realize that we NEED TO! Words can hurt people! And even if someone has wronged us we shouldn't be talking about it. Let God take care of them! It will be a bigger blessing than you would ever realize! You wont hurt anyone if you keep your mouth quiet and think about the golden rule on this one "do unto others as you would want them to do to you". Do you want to be talked about?? probably not, so try not to do it to others!! It goes on to say what we should long for, the pure milk  of God's word! We should long for the words in the Bible because they are God's words! They are life giving words! They are words that help when we are down! They are words that will build us up and not tear us down! Just like a baby longs to eat and it comforts them, and nourishes them as they grow, the word of God should do the same for us!!! It should strengthen us, it should comfort us, and help us grow in godly character! You should want the word daily and long for it in your life especially after tasting how good God can be! and knowing and experiencing His love first hand!!! Get in the word, it will change your life in the best way ever! It can turn your life around, it can uplift you and pull you out of a dark hole! You just need to dig in and give God's words a chance and you will see a difference!!

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