Wednesday, January 18, 2012

rocks cry out?

40 “I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” Luke 19:40

I was riding in the car this morning bringing my kids to school. My oldest asked me a question: "mommy, why does God make this bad weather?" The weather this morning was blowing and snowy, and our car was all over the road. It was also slippery. Trying to answer such a question to a 7year old where he actually understands what you are trying to say is kind of hard... I was trying to tell him that the weather isn't always caused by God and that sometimes the earth is crying out to its creator. Sometimes growing up in the church and learning different verses when a child, the childlike illustrations stay in your head and you have to rethink and get a more mature look at a verse! THIS WAS MY AH-ha! moment for this verse. When I was a child I always saw this verse as the rocks growing mouths and actually praising God! I am sure that if God wanted that to actually happen it would, and would definitely be a wake up call to many out there!!! but that isn't what it is saying, this i am pretty sure about. I now see that the storms and the earthquakes and all the other natural disasters that have been happening, are this verse coming to life. That is how the "rocks cry out". Now lets just look at this verse in a whole. It was at the time when Jesus came to Jerusalem as King. The people were putting their coats on the ground and yelling and shouting "praise the Lord!!" The pharisees told Jesus to make them stop and be quiet and then Jesus says the above verse! Some questions come to mind. ( I think in question form!). Why would the rocks cry out? well, it says above if the people didn't praise or if they kept quiet. So does that relate to our lives today? I think so! I think that this is a huge wake up call to us today. Here in America, Jesus, the word, and prayer is being taken out of EVERYTHING! it is a separation of church and state, to the extreme, I feel. Meaning: if we are not allowed to pray certain places, or worship certain places, and the 10 commandments are being taken down from everywhere, and also just the overall nation has gone so far from being God centered to being man centered as well. But with all this happening, we are not praising God, We are told to be quiet and we are! We are doing as we are told because we don't want to offend. Well, the rocks will cry out if we don't! How do the rocks cry out? Well, I think that we are seeing more earthquakes and there are many more storms than there have been. Its not that God is making all these things happen to punish us or anything (this is my thoughts here!  if you disagree then that is fine, but this is how i feel), but that the earth is crying out to the one who created it. Why don't we start crying out in praise to our creator more!? I think that we need to start sincerely seeking God again and calling out to Him! He is worthy to be praised! He is the only reason we exist and our main focus should be Him and praising Him! In college (christian school) one of our classmates wrote a worship song that said "hallelujah, hallelujah, no rock will cry for me!!" It was a great song, and just reminded me that we need to take time and praise Him! I have gone through some stuff and it totally took my focus off of HIM! I was focusing on issues that I couldn't handle and I couldn't and didn't want to ever deal with, but my eyes were totally off God and totally off praising God through the storms of life. I was praying and crying out to Him and saying WHY GOD! but my heart was totally on MY issue. I am happy to say that after I fasted for a couple days my view is back on HIM. (I now know that fasting is something I have been missing and lacking in my life and that I needed real change and that real deep change comes sometimes through fasting! If you feel like your prayers are hitting a wall: try fasting!!!!) We need to always remember the verse above and we don't want the rocks to cry out because we are not doing so! Plus He is SO worthy. Always remember what God has brought you through! Always remember the way God has moved in your life! It will get you through, and always remember to praise through it. I forgot and totally went down hill. I feel God gives us verses at certain times for a reason. I don't think that I have REALLY praised God in a true way in a while! I know that I need to start looking at God and seeing His love and His glory and all the good things that He has give me and done for me and just praise Him because He is what this life is about: living a life that pleases HIM and living showing others HIS love and bringing others TO HIM!
be blessed 

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