Tuesday, January 10, 2012

give it up!

how do you give something up? I try and then I always wonder if I actually gave it up, because issues come back to mind, or you hurt again from something... so really... how do you truly give something up to God where it doesn't affect you anymore... where it doesn't come back to haunt you anymore.... where you are free from the bondage and just living life not thinking about anything that was an issue.... I do agree with this picture though. God wants us to give up our pain and hurts and give them over to Him, but we usually ( not intentionally most times) tend to hang on and hold our hurts. I think that we do this because we think that if we do this it will protect us. It will help us NOT get hurt again. We relive and try to carry it which also makes us build a wall so people cant get in. Our guard is up, we wont let anyone in so that we don't get hurt again! That is our normal human response it seems. God doesn't want us to respond like that though. He wants us to be willing to trust HIM enough to heal and to move on so that God can use us and make something beautiful of our life. He wants to use us to help others. He knows that if we just give it over to HIM we will experience a peace like we have never felt. He knows that we will feel free, and lighter. He wants us to give our burdens and cares to HIM for his yoke is light and easy! Ours might be heavy and hard to carry but He wants us to trust Him, hand it over and make us lighter and free! So why is it so hard to just give our cares and worries to Him? He just wants to help us, why wont we let Him? Lord teach me how to just give it over to you!

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