Saturday, April 7, 2012

Day after Friday thoughts

I cant help but think, what is about today? What about today? I think about the things that are mentioned in Matthew about today and it only said that the tomb was sealed and the guards were put in place to watch the tomb. What were those who were closest to Jesus thinking today? I have to imagine that their hope was long gone! They just watched the brutal and horrific execution of an innocent man, their best friend, their teacher, their Lord! They must have felt alone, devastated, lacking hope and faith. They must have though... "now what?" What are we supposed to do? And then to see and hear that the tomb was guarded and the tomb sealed, that must have just sealed their fate of hopelessness. Then they were probably also asking themselves, "are we next??" The thoughts that went through their mind were probably endless! The thing is many of us feel devastated by life's circumstances. We feel down and like there is no hope and no reason for faith! The thing is SUNDAY IS COMING!!! Jesus did not stay in that grave and He miraculously did what He said He would do. HE ROSE!! God is not dead! The tomb is empty! Then why do we still live like God is dead?? Why do we not think that He CAN in our lives! Your Sunday is coming! You might have to get through a brutal Friday and a devastating and depressing Saturday but your Sunday is coming! Your victory is coming! Your breakthrough is coming!!! Don't be cast down oh my soul!!! HAVE FAITH IN GOD!!! He is not in a tomb rotting away! He is in heaven seated at the right hand of the Father. He is ALIVE and wants to show you everyday that He can bring a breakthrough to where you thought there was no hope! We may see no hope, nothing good, and despair, BUT GOD sees all the potential for a great miracle! God sees His chance to step in and show us HE IS GOD! When we are at our lowest, weakest point, God steps in and shows us His strength, might, power, and LOVE!!! So even though you may feel like you are going through that horrific Friday or that down and depressive Saturday, SUNDAY IS COMING! Your breakthrough, your victory, the answer to your prayers is on its way! Sunday! That glorious Sunday is coming in your life! Tomorrow as you celebrate Easter, celebrate the breakthrough that God wants to do in your life! Even if you have yet to experience it, praise Him for it now! He wants to and He will. Are you willing??

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