Friday, April 27, 2012

feeling worthless? your worth more to God!

I have to be honest here. I live in much fear. I am fearful of everything going wrong and I being the cause. I am fearful that I will bring ruin or destruction because of my fears, or because of my lack of talent. I stay away from confrontation because I am convinced people will hate me for it. I have always been the "peace keeper" and do anything (even keep my mouth quiet as I silently go through things). I don't want to be like this. I don't want to go through life, living in fear of what others think or what others might do. I know that God cares about me too, and what I feel, but my fear of what people might do get me a lot. I have been feeling pretty down. And I hate feeling like this. I am writing about fear, and thinking about how I can change these fears in my life, and start living by faith and other things just keep coming up. Like why care, because your going to fail anyways. Or why try because you know your fear will keep overtaking you. Your going to disappoint someone and then you will have no one. Then the thoughts of worthlessness start flooding in. I am not very talented, I am not very good at anything even if  I try hard..... Well, this has been my thought pattern. This morning I definitely stumbled on a great "fear not" verse. I think it is one that I needed to see and be reminded of. I feel at times that I am not worth much, but God knows better than my fear, and God knows me better than I know myself. And God wants to bring out more in me than I can even imagine. Sometimes the question is "will you let Him?" Will you let Him take away the fear and carry it for you? Will you let Him show you your worth from HIS point of view? I want to let Him show me, because I know that talent wise, I don't have much to offer. People have said that I am talent less. But will I listen to them or to God who created me? I try to listen to God but satan has a way of convincing you to listen to what others say. It can be a constant struggle but the verse I am about to share with you is one of those verses that can take away worthless feelings and let us see God's heart for us! He made us all unique and created us for a purpose and reason. We need to let God show us our "why" for life. Ask God today "God, what is my purpose? God what is my reason for being on this earth? Show me, Lord!" I am going to do the same. Let us find our true purpose from the one who created us, instead of believing what the world around us says just to bring us down..... Here is the verse, I hope you enjoy and are uplifted today!!!

"What's the price of a pet canary? Some loose change, right? And God cares what happens to it even more than you do. He pays even greater attention to you, down to the last detail—even numbering the hairs on your head! So don't be intimidated by all this bully talk. You're worth more than a million canaries."           ~Matthew 10:29-31! 

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