Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Great post!

Found some great stuff on this other blog at http://refineus.org/2012/05/the-marriage-mirror/

This was really good! Take a look at it, here is a bit from the end!

"As my counseling supervisor used to say, “marriage isn’t broken. People are broken. If you help people get healthy, their marriage gets healthy.
The marriage mirror helped me get healthy. It humbled me. It taught me that I certainly didn’t have it all together, so I couldn’t expect perfection from my husband. It taught me my own capacity for good and for evil, and for the necessity of boundaries around our lives.
Almost fifteen years of looking into that marriage mirror has showed me that love isn’t about a fantasy, it’s about hard work and sacrifice. It’s about vulnerability, courage, perseverance, and faith.
Marriage will lead you into the truth of yourself. It will open you up in a whole new way to your own need for grace and for a Savior, and for the strength to love beyond your own capacity. And the richness of that love and the life it brings is what makes the hard become the good."

 It is so true! Love it about hard work on both sides! It is a partnership! It requires sacrifice and we often will learn much about ourselves through it all. Love it not a fairy tale, it is real life! Real life is hard! Marriage takes real work! But that hard work can make a marriage great!

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