Monday, May 7, 2012

On the way to a better me!

I think that if we stand still too long, we will start going backwards! We can only be stagnant so long, before that starts to roll backwards on us. At times I know I have been on a downward slope in some area of my life. I feel, I have stood still too long in life. I have to say that at times, I really have let things hinder my "going forward!" Whether it was fear, or just a lack of knowing any better, I have stood still. Yes, fear has always been an issue in my life, and I want that to change! I want to live this life with an excitement. I want to live this life like today is the last. I want to try different things. I want to not fear going forward with things. I want to not fear doing things that I have wanted to do. I want to set goals for the rest of my life and follow through with them. I have to say that I have not been a goal setter before. I have never seen the need at times I guess. It wasn't till I married my husband that I saw that goals were an important things to have. I guess, we all have different upbringings, and we all have a different view or perspective because of that upbringing. I am not saying that my family didn't have goals, but I just didn't see them maybe. Some strive to get through life, while others strive to (and make goals) to live the best life possible! I have always tried to get through life, never seeing that there could be anything more than just what I see. I am starting see that there could be more. That God wants the best for us, and wants us to make the best of this one life we are given. I think it is a lie of the enemy that we just have to float through life. I think that the enemy doesn't want us to make the best of this ONE life we are given! I am starting to see my mindset change little by little. I think it is a good thing. I think it is something I needed to change! There is only one life on this earth. As I get older I am seeing the importance of LIVING life not just getting through life! God wants us to live and TRULY live life!
I think it is time to start living a victorious life! We talk about it at church and it is victorious because of Jesus but it can also be victorious because we choose to live to the fullest. To follow God in EVERY instance. To trust Him that He is bringing the best to us. To trust that He knows better than us, but also to give it our all when He says move! To run and not look behind when He says GO! To actually follow through with the desires and talents that God has placed in us!
So first thing I want to do, is set a goal, and prove to myself that I can complete it. My first goal: to be the healthy and fit mommy that I need to be for my kids! I want to have a long full life with my husband and kids. I need to be health conscience to do that! It needs to be more than a weight thing. I need to have to want to be healthy not just thinner. Which is what I want. I want to be healthy so that I can enjoy my kids and family longer. So I can accomplish all my goals that I have in life. So I can have the desires that are in me for life, come to existence! One thing I have always desired was to travel, and someday I WILL! (good thing my husband loves it too :) So, as the title of this blog says: on the way to a better me! I want to live life to the fullest and always following what God has for me and my family! God might not have put these amazingly awesome talents in me, but I can use what God has placed in me: love, love of people, a desire to make people happy, a desire to see people happy, a desire to help people, etc. God has set things in each of us: desires, goals, dreams, hopes, etc. Find those things, work at them, and run with them! There is a reason God put them in you! God wants to use those desires, those goals, those dreams, those talents all for His glory and advancing His kingdom through you! I want to live life to the fullest, and not hold anything back. I want to love hard, I want to work hard, i want to follow after God hard, and I want to enjoy this ONE life I have! I want to enjoy my kids. I want to enjoy my husband. I want to enjoy the friends God has given to me! I want to appreciate everything and everyone that comes into my life! We never know how long we have on this earth, why not make the best of it! To God be the glory! Enjoy this life God gave you! you have a purpose and a future and through God's eyes it looks great and beautiful!!! Believe it! Because God said it!

 I say this because I know the plans that I have for you.” This message is from the LORD. “I have good plans for you. I don’t plan to hurt you. I plan to give you hope and a good future.     ~Jeremiah 29:11

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