Monday, March 26, 2012

not too many... just blessed!

I have to admit, I have not always seen how my life was going as a blessing. What I mean..... Well,  we have a lot of kids. Not like, Dugger style a lot, but according to the average american who has 2.6 kids (where do they get .6?? WHO KNOWS LOL) I have a lot! lol Yesterday walking through the store shopping with my wonderful husband and with my beautiful bunch we received a lot of stares, a lot of shocked-wide eyed stares, and there were comments (as usual). I am getting used to the normal stares and the normal comments. Lately, I have been getting the weirdest and rudest comments. One weird question or statement was: you must be rich! Well I am richly blessed with my little ones love and with the love of a Great God who gives me the strength that I need from day to day! Then the rudest we received yesterday, and I am blessed that I heard it and that my husband was unsure of what this lady said. (LOL). She said to the person with her, "they have too many kids!" She said this very loudly though. I have to say that I am blessed with some of the best kids! They are so loving, and even though they are young and they ARE kids, they are SOO well behaved! They stay close to us in the store, they don't just throw things into the cart, a couple might yell every now and then (hey they are two....) but they don't really whine for things and just enjoy the outing for the most part! I get lots of comments but they are all wonderful kids! Later on in the store there was a lady with less than me who was looking for her kid, yelling up and down the isles. I might have many kids, but they are well behaved and wonderful! they might act up every now and then, but they are still young and learning, but whenever we are out, they are well behaved. We get a lot of great comments whenever we bring them out to eat on how well behaved they are and how people cant believe that we bring them all out to eat. Thinking about that comment yesterday..... I may have many kids, but its not too many! They will be productive, responsible, respectful adults godly adults. I know that they are many but I know that they are a good bunch and I am blessed everyday by something that each of them do! A hug, a kiss, an "I love you mommy", a good grade! I know I am a blessed mommy, I don't have too many, I have the amount that God wanted me to have! Each one of these kids have a place, and a God given purpose! They all have different personalities, and like different things! I love seeing new things develop in each one of them! Am I perfect? NO far from, but I try the best that I can with God's help, His wisdom and His strength!  At one time I did not think I was very blessed, but now I know that God has blessed me with these kids, and they ARE a blessing. They give me great joy! Yes, they give me a hard time some-days, but the good outweighs the tough times! They might not always be perfect, but they teach me so much and I have gained so much character because of them! They are my little blessings and I don't think I have too many, but the right amount! God's amount! Their love has gotten me through some tougher times. I am blessed to have a beautiful family, a healthy family, a wonderful, godly, and loving husband who our kids look up to, love, admire and respect. I am sure that our boys will want to be "just like daddy!" and I love hearing that! I pray that I can be the mom, wife, and woman that my girls look up to and want to be like as well!


  1. You are amazing. And you have amazing children!

    1. thanks! I think they are a bunch of amazing kids! but I guess i am pretty biased lol. you are an amazing mom too! Your girls are beautiful and wonderful young ladies now! When you see great kids you know there are some great parents raising them!
