Monday, March 5, 2012

what is YOUR worldview??

When I see a phrasing that I am not 100% on what it is actually asking for I like to look it up and see what exactly is meant by a certain phrase! I was listening or read something online and I saw two phrases. The first was "worldview" the second was "Biblical worldview". I could tell you what was meant of these phrases. Your worldview being, how you view this world. A Biblical worldview, I hesitated a bit. I can gather, that basically looking at the world through a Biblical perspective, which I feel I do. I didn't want to stop there though. I looked this phrase "Biblical worldview" up. I found a very good article on it. I read it. I have to say, I have been more tainted by a secular world view than I really thought. I Believe the Bible word for word. I know it is truth! I know it is the only absolute truth out there! I guess that is where I leave it at times though. I read the article and it went on farther than just believing it. It talked about ACTING it too! If you know it is truth you should live it out through your life as it is right?? I think I do to a certain point. I know we are all human and we all make mistakes and we all fallen, but at times, I let the secular worldview cloud my Biblical worldview. I have compromised in a few areas. Now I am not saying like in a huge area.. but like in dress. The Bible talks about being modest. I know that for the most part, my dress is very modest! I don't like to show anything off, (unless at home with my hubby,) but I don't really go out showing off anything, I don't feel comfortable like that, and I think that does have to do with my Biblical worldview too. But every now and then I desire to look like those magazines. I desire to be able to dress like those models in the magazine. In that instance I think that my view has been tainted. Now, you might say, that is nothing! Why get all in a knot about that? Well, I for one am just throwing that out there as something that has been tainted in my own personal mind. I guess that for me if it is going against what I say I believe my worldview has been tainted. Also I mention something little because I personally  feel that when we make little compromises in our worldview, it opens us up to make bigger compromises. I really thought this was a good article and want to share it and hope others will enjoy it as well! What is your worldview? I guess I want to be real (I mess up so I am real and I will admit that to anyone) but I don't want to use that as a crutch! I don't want to use that as an excuse to mess up. Even though we are human and we do mess up, there is still the idea about holiness in the Bible that Jesus says "Be ye holy for I am holy". I want to try my hardest to keep my biblical worldview in belief and action, knowing that I might mess up along the way and for that there is grace!! I just don't want to ever use the phrase "I am human, I want to be real" as an excuse to do what I know I shouldn't do! But knowing that I am human and that from time to time I do need grace I want to learn from my mess ups but strive and go after a holy life that is pleasing to God! No one will ever be perfect, but we can be forgiven by the perfect one! I want God to be the center of my life. I want God to be my goal in life. I want what I do for eternity to be what I measure my success in life by. God and what we do for HIM is and should be our life!!!  What is your worldview???

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